

Protea Heights Academy High School is a Mathematics, Sciences and Technology Focus High school that operates with the aim of further developing learners who have a talent for these subjects.

We adhere strictly to our Admissions Policy with regard to admissions criteria.

Based inter alia on the number of Educators and the School’s facilities, the School shall not admit more than 220 Grade 8 Learners at any time. Admission to other Grades is based inter alia on the number of Educators and subject constraints. We will have a maximum of 35 learners per class in the GET. GET classes must cater for parallel medium education in Afrikaans and English. Education is offered in English and Afrikaans. Prospective learners should be proficient in at least one of these languages while they should also have a working knowledge of the other language.

Important Information


All applicants must complete an online application form via the Western Cape Education Departments’ (WCED) admissions website.

PHA is only able to approve or decline applications on this site – any site related queries must please be directed to the WCED – contact details are available on the site.

Please adhere strictly to the deadline as applications received after 12 April 2024 will be considered as late applications.

Documents required

The following supporting documents must be uploaded on the WCED site with your application:

  • Grade 6 Report for the FULL YEAR. Grade 7 reports will not be accepted.
  • Unabridged birth certificate. Where an abridged certificate is received, the school will require copies of both the parent’s IDs (manually submitted after online submission)
  • Certified Photocopy of Both Parents’ ID
  • Proof of residential address. Where a learner is not living with their parents, the school requires legal documentation of the status of guardianship.

Affidavits are not accepted. Only the submission of a rental contract or municipal account will be considered.

  • Proof of immigrant status/valid study permit


*The office will not make photo copies


Transfer requests:

A transfer request is defined as a request by a parent for a learner requiring a space in Grades 2–7 or Grades 9–12. Due to a very high demand for space, the WCED will only consider transfer requests in the case of relocation. Learners in exit grades or serious cases will be considered by the circuit manager.

Procedure (hard copy) for transfer requests (Grades 2–7 and Grades 9–12):

Please note that parents will no longer be able to capture an application for a transfer on the SAMI system themselves. Parents will have to complete a hard copy transfer request form and submit the completed form with the supporting documents to the school of their choice or their nearest district office.
Open 01 August 2024 and close 16 August 2024

Districts will be able to capture transfer requests for multiple schools.

The school does not require a hard copy of your application.

Once the due date has passed, the outcome of your application will be communicated to you by the WCED and you must therefore ensure that the correct email address and mobile number are captured on the site.

The school will communicate with successful candidates via email.

To contact the admissions department, please email